Fri Moms D4 Spring    (January 2025)
Fri Moms D4 Spring Standings
  GP  W  L  T  GF  GA  PTS  GD  WP Calendar Sync
Bad Moms - teal 110051341.000
Double Trouble - purple 110031321.000
Inferno Strikers - orange 110043311.000
After Shots - orange 100111100.000
Bat Girls - black 100111100.000
MD International - black/red 1010340-10.000
Shortys' - black/red 1010130-20.000
Las Mamis - red/black 1010150-40.000
Fri Moms D4 Spring Schedule
DateHome AwayTime/StatusVenueGame TypeOfficials
Fri-Jan 31   MD International - black/red 3 - 4 Inferno Strikers - orange Complete Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Jan 31   Double Trouble - purple 3 - 1 Shortys' - black/red Complete Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Jan 31   Bad Moms - teal 5 - 1 Las Mamis - red/black Complete Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Jan 31   After Shots - orange 1 - 1 Bat Girls - black Complete Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Feb 7   Shortys' - black/red  v  After Shots - orange 7:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Feb 7   Bad Moms - teal  v  Inferno Strikers - orange 8:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Feb 7   MD International - black/red  v  Double Trouble - purple 9:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Feb 7   MD International - black/red  v  Las Mamis - red/black 10:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Feb 14   Double Trouble - purple  v  After Shots - orange 7:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Feb 14   Shortys' - black/red  v  Las Mamis - red/black 8:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Feb 14   Inferno Strikers - orange  v  Bat Girls - black 9:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Feb 14   MD International - black/red  v  Bad Moms - teal 10:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Feb 21   Bad Moms - teal  v  Bat Girls - black 7:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Feb 21   After Shots - orange  v  MD International - black/red 8:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Feb 21   Inferno Strikers - orange  v  Shortys' - black/red 9:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Feb 21   Double Trouble - purple  v  Las Mamis - red/black 10:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Feb 28   Double Trouble - purple  v  Inferno Strikers - orange 7:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Feb 28   MD International - black/red  v  Bat Girls - black 8:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Feb 28   After Shots - orange  v  Las Mamis - red/black 9:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Feb 28   Bad Moms - teal  v  Shortys' - black/red 10:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Mar 7   Las Mamis - red/black  v  MD International - black/red 7:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Mar 7   Bad Moms - teal  v  Double Trouble - purple 8:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Mar 7   Bat Girls - black  v  Shortys' - black/red 9:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Mar 7   After Shots - orange  v  Inferno Strikers - orange 10:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Mar 14   Bat Girls - black  v  Double Trouble - purple 7:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Mar 14   Las Mamis - red/black  v  Inferno Strikers - orange 8:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Mar 14   After Shots - orange  v  Bad Moms - teal 9:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Mar 14   Shortys' - black/red  v  MD International - black/red 10:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   Las Mamis - red/black  v  Bad Moms - teal 7:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   Bat Girls - black  v  After Shots - orange 8:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   Inferno Strikers - orange  v  MD International - black/red 9:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Mar 21   Shortys' - black/red  v  Double Trouble - purple 10:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #1 Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   Shortys' - black/red  v  After Shots - orange 7:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   Las Mamis - red/black  v  Bat Girls - black 8:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   MD International - black/red  v  Double Trouble - purple 9:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
Fri-Mar 28   Inferno Strikers - orange  v  Bad Moms - teal 10:00 PM Jessup Premier Field #2 Regular 
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Womens
Division: Rec
Sport: Indoor Soccer (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 1/31/2025
End Date: 3/28/2025
Status: InProgress
Team Fee: $740.00
PlayerFee: $85.00
Other Fee Info: The full fee is due by 6th game.
9 games per session.
More Info: 6 v 6 (5 plus goalie)
This league is for fun and fitness over competition and winning. All players must be at least 24 years old and must not be a recent college player. No exceptions.